First-term Republicans David Valadao of California and Rodney Davis of Illinois rate as likely winners of re-election to the House, says the political tip sheet Sabato’s Crystal Ball. Valadao, a member of the Appropriations subcommittee on agriculture, and Davis, a member of the Agriculture Committee, “ranked among the top Democratic targets in the country earlier in the cycle but neither race has really materialized,” said the Crystal Ball, which previously listed the races as “leans Republican.”
In a front-page story, the Washington Post surveys “the most surprisingly close Senate race in the nation” – incumbent Pat Roberts, a third-term Republican, and independent Greg Orman. “The backlash against Roberts stems not from any single issue — ideologically, he has followed his party’s shift to the right — but from a widespread feeling that he has grown too insular in Washington and fallen out of touch,” says the Post. In addition, Roberts is faulted for running a lethargic campaign.
Politico listed Roberts and Bruce Braley, the Democratic nominee for Senate in Iowa, in a story on “the worst campaigns of 2014.” Braley is scored for repeated verbal gaffes. Roberts’ campaign “has been rocky all year long,” says the story. Politico also cites Chris McDaniel, who lost a runoff for the GOP nomination to Sen Thad Cochran in Mississippi and continues to challenge the loss in court.