USDA to start over on overhaul of biotech regulations

Seven years and 88,000 public comments after it began an overhaul of the regulation “of certain genetically engineered organisms,” the Agriculture Department has withdrawn its proposed rule. “We are doing this in light of the experience we have gained over the past 28 years, continuing advances in biotechnology, and comments we received on the rule. We will begin a fresh stakeholder engagement aimed at exploring alternative policy approaches,” says the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service in a Federal Register notice. The new effort will begin with a series of webinars in coming months. On its website, APHIS says its current GE regulations are effective. “Revising our biotechnology regulations will better position us to address new challenges, as well as meet current needs in evaluating and addressing the plant pest or noxious weed risks associated with the importation, interstate movement, and field release of certain GE organisms.”

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