USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service is reviewing “the way the American Egg Board handled the ‘threat’ of Hampton Creek – the San Francisco-based start-up behind the egg-free spread Just Mayo – amid claims it overstepped its mandate by seeking to undermine Hampton Creek’s progress,” reports Food Navigator. The USDA told the news site that AMS, which oversees producer-funded “checkoff” programs, “is conducting a thorough administrative review of issues involving” the board. The review began on Sept. 3, says USDA. Utah Sen. Mike Lee asked for an investigation last week of whether the board tried to undermine Hampton Creek “based on their fear that the food start-up’s product, Just Mayo, represented a ‘crisis’ and a ‘major threat’ to the egg industry.” The egg board denied allegations that it allocated resources intended for promotion of eggs into a covert attempt to thwart Hampton Creek, said Food Navigator.