USDA opens CRP continuous enrollment, no general signup

Signup will open on Monday for the “continuous” enrollment option for the Conservation Reserve but there will be no general enrollment this year, said an Agriculture Department statement. The reserve pays landowners an annual rent for idling fragile land for 10 years or more. High-priority land, such as wind-stopping shelter belts or filter strips along waterways, is eligible to enter the reserve at any time.

“In lieu of a general sign-up this year, USDA will allow producers with general CRP contracts expiring this September to have the option of a one-year contract extension,” said USDA. The 2014 farm law will reduce gradually to 24 million acres the amount of land that can be enrolled. A USDA spokesman said an overhaul of the Environmental Benefits Index will be launched soon, including public meetings on the formula used to decide which land to accept. Last November, USDA started the process to prepare an environmental impact statement for the reserve.

USDA data show 25.56 million acres are enrolled in the reserve, including 4.16 million acres accepted under continuous enrollment. Contracts on 2 million acres expire on Sept 30. Payments to landowners run $1.9 billion a year.

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