USDA knows its beans about baked beans, cauliflower too.

Effective June 8, the USDA will have a new definition of canned baked beans for its voluntary labeling program. In a notice to appear today in the Federal Register, the agency says the revised definition reflects advances in technology in the processing industry, rather than referring to a specific method — pressure cooking — for preparing the beans.

The new definition says, “The product is prepared by washing, soaking, and baking beans and sauce through the application of heat in a closed or open container for a period of time sufficient to provide texture, flavor, color, and consistency attributes that are typical for this product.” The proposal for a new definition came from a professor emeritus at Michigan State U and attracted one comment during the 60-day comment period last fall.

Also appearing today in the Federal Register is an announcement of proposed changes to grading standards for cauliflower. “The current U.S. grade standards do not have provisions for grading purple, orange, or green cauliflower. The proposed revision would amend the color requirement to allow all colors of cauliflower to be certified to a U.S. grade,” says the USDA. The comment period will run until July 8.

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