Carrying out an executive order from the White House, the USDA is inviting public comment over the next year on “regulations, guidance documents, or any other policy documents that are in need of reform, for example ideas to modify, streamline, expand, or repeal those items.”
In a Federal Register notice, the USDA said it would use the ideas to “provide better customer service and remove unintended barriers to participation in our programs.”
Comments will be considered in four tranches, said the Federal Register notice, with a Sept. 15 deadline for the first batch. The cutoff dates for the following batches are Nov. 14, Feb. 12, 2018, and July 17, 2018. President Trump’s order, issued Feb. 24, requires agencies to identify regulations that impose undue costs, are outdated or unneeded costs, impinge on job creation, or are inconsistent with regulatory reform initiatives.
To read the Federal Register notice, click here.