USDA agencies to collaborate on preservation of wildlife corridors

From the Forest Service to the Farm Service Agency, USDA agencies will work in concert to preserve wildlife corridors on public and privately owned land, said three senior officials on Monday. The collaboration would extend to state and tribal governments.

“We have to work across boundaries,” just as wildlife roam landscapes, said Agriculture undersecretary Robert Bonnie, who oversees USDA farm support and land stewardship programs. During a news conference online, Bonnie said USDA would rely on voluntary, incentive-based programs in dealing with landowners.

“Today’s announcement builds on work of the department to support wildlife habitat connectivity to ensure the sustainability of large-scale conservation and restoration efforts,” said Jenny Moffitt, undersecretary for regulatory programs, whose portfolio includes the USDA’s animal disease agency. Homer Wilkes, undersecretary for natural resources, said the initiative was intended “to break down the silos” that limit coordination between agencies.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack spelled out the initiative in a memorandum directing four agencies — the Forest Service, Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service — to “Incorporate consideration of terrestrial wildlife habitat connectivity and corridors into relevant planning processes, programs, and assessments, as appropriate,” among themselves and “improve inter-jurisdictional coordination with states, tribes, and other federal agencies.”

“Federal lands often serve as anchor points for wildlife but most of the country’s wildlife reside on private lands,” said the memo. There are 193 million acres of national forests and grasslands while privately owned farms hold 880 million acres. The USDA operates an array of conservation programs with goals including grasslands preservation.

“This directive builds on successful, locally supported partnerships between the USDA, states, tribes, and private landowners,” said Lesli Allison, chief executive of the Western Landowners Alliance.

During the briefing, a USDA official said migratory routes for wildlife were in danger of disruption from population growth aided by e-commerce and remote work.

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