Trump claims environmental stewardship; critics see greenhouse gaslighting

During a 45-minute speech that included testimonials from three cabinet members, President Trump said on Monday that his administration coupled economic growth with environmental stewardship. The Sierra Club said the president was “attempting to greenhouse gaslight” Americans by focusing on air pollution and water quality while disregarding climate change.

“All across the nation, our policies are ensuring that extreme agendas do not stand in the way of responsible use of public lands,” said Trump, to the benefit of “our hunters, and our fishers, and our farmers, and everyone.”

The White House pointed to a 74 percent decline in air pollution since 1970, just after the EPA was created, widespread access to clean drinking water, a new approach to forest management and instructions to EPA “to more efficiently implement air quality standards.” Trump referred indirectly to climate change in the context of U.S. withdrawal from “the unfair, ineffective and very, very expensive Paris Climate Accord.”

In a fact check of the article, the New York Times pointed out many misleading claims in the speech.

“Actions speak louder than words – and for the past 900 days, this administration has repeatedly acted to allow more mercury, smog and carbon pollution into our air, more nutrient and sediment pollution into our waterways, and more destruction of essential wildlife habitat in our treasured natural places,” said the National Wildlife Federation.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry said the administration was “not only increasing our energy supply but we’re making it cleaner.” The consumer group Food and Water Watch said, “Fossil fuels are not clean energy and natural gas is not going to solve the climate crisis.”

To watch a C-SPAN video of the president’s speech, click here.

A White House fact sheet on environmental action is available here.

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