Today’s quick hits, September 27, 2024

Wetlands at risk: Between 19 and 91 percent of the nearly 90 million acres of non-tidal wetlands in the continental United States may be outside of federal protection under the “vague and subjective” language of the 2023 Supreme Court ruling on wetlands. (Science)

Aid for organic dairies: The USDA will provide marketing assistance payments of $1.68 per 100 pounds of milk on up to 9 million pounds of production to organic dairy farmers who enroll in a program intended to mitigate market volatility. (Farm Service Agency)

Bird flu spreads in California: The H5N1 avian flu virus was confirmed in seven additional dairy herds in California, raising the state total to 41 herds, second to Colorado, which has 64 of the 239 outbreaks of bird flu in 14 states since the disease was identified in late March. (USDA)

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