Today’s quick hits, September 20, 2019

Bird numbers plummet (New York Times): A study found that there are 2.9 billion fewer birds in the United States and Canada than there were 50 years ago, in part because of habitat loss from agricultural development and the increased use of pesticides.

Algae blooms on the rise (Guardian): Reports of toxic algae outbreaks, which often result from a combination of high temperatures and runoff from agricultural fertilizers, are up 22 percent from last year.

Antibiotic resistance spreads globally (Wired): The routine use of antibiotics in livestock is making it harder to treat sick animals in much of the world, with China, India, Brazil, Turkey, Iran, and Kenya emerging as hot spots of antibiotic-resistant disease strains.

New tomato agreement with Mexican growers (Commerce): The Commerce Department finalized a “suspension” agreement that will govern imports of fresh tomatoes from Mexico, setting aside, for the moment, a U.S. anti-dumping investigation and the collection of duties on the tomatoes.

Defending the names of dairy products (WPR): Three Wisconsin state legislators have proposed bills that would prohibit plant-based or lab-created products from being labeled “milk,” “cheese,” “yogurt,” or “meat.”

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