Today’s quick hits, September 13, 2019

CAFO owner reappointed to Oregon ag board (FERN’s Ag Insider): A coalition of 10 environmental, animal welfare, and farm organizations wrote to Oregon’s governor to protest the reappointment of a CAFO operator to the state’s board of agriculture.

Obama clean-water rule repealed (EPA): Administrator Andrew Wheeler and Army Assistant Secretary R.D. James announced the repeal of the Obama-era Waters of the United States rule, and said it will be followed by a new regulation on the upstream reach of the Clean Water Act.

Paying farmers to bury carbon (Wall Street Journal): A new company, looking to create a financial incentive for climate-friendly actions, wants to pay farmers to sequester carbon through regenerative agriculture practices.

Farm pollution case will go to trial (Des Moines Register): A judge ruled that a case brought by environmentalists challenging Iowa’s management of farm manure and runoff may go to trial; at issue is whether the state has done enough to rid drinking water of farm-related pollutants.

Obesity crisis worsens (Trust for America’s Health): Nine states have adult obesity rates higher than 35 percent, up from seven states in 2017, says a report, calling it “a historic level of obesity.” In 2012, no state had an obesity rate above 35 percent.


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