Today’s quick hits, Sept. 4, 2024

Biggest Nebraska cattle feedlot: The owners of Blackshirt Feeders say they will begin shipping cattle to their new $200-million feedlot in southwestern Nebraska within a month, with the eventual goal of 150,000 head in the feedlot, the largest such operation in the state. (Nebraska Examiner)

A month without HPAI: A USDA database tracking highly pathogenic avian influenza said there were no reported outbreaks of bird flu among commercial poultry flocks during August. (USDA)

Post-wildfire erosion worsens: A study by the U.S. Geological Survey says hillside erosion after wildfires in California is 10 times worse than it was in the late 1980s; sediment can deprive fish of oxygen, fill reservoirs, and damage flood control structures. (Los Angeles Times)

Strengthening animal health networks: The USDA awarded $380,000 toward four new cooperative agreements with tribal partners to enhance their animal disease response capabilities against high-risk pests and diseases. (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service)

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