Today’s quick hits, Sept. 30, 2024

‘Moderate’ is the label: First-term Rep. John Duarte, a Republican member of the House Agriculture Committee, and Democrat Adam Gray both present themselves as moderates in a rematch of the U.S. House race in California’s Central Valley that Duarte won by 564 votes two years ago. (Los Angeles Times)

Tougher food additives rule: Under a bill filed by Connecticut Rep. Rosa DeLauro, chemical food additives would be subject to FDA approval, a stricter standard than the current system where foodmakers can declare a substance is “generally regarded as safe.” (Food Safety News)

More ag disaster funding: Thirteen U.S. representatives filed a bill to provide an additional $14 billion to the USDA for disaster relief of losses on 2023 crops, ranging from droughts and floods to wildfires. (Valadao)

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