Today’s quick hits, Sept. 21, 2021

Grant money for fairs: The House Agriculture Committee is scheduled to vote Tuesday on the Agricultural Fairs Rescue Act, which would create a $500-million-a-year USDA grant program to support local, county, and state fairs that lost attendance due to the pandemic. (House Agriculture)

WOTUS exemptions for ag: EPA administrator Michael Regan told state agriculture directors that the new definition of the upstream reach of the clean water law will preserve exemptions for farming and ranching. (DTN/Progressive Farmer)

Nutrition strategy lacking: Although some 21 agencies have 200 “efforts related to diet,” there is no cohesive federal strategy to improve the U.S. diet and prevent obesity and related chronic diseases, said the Government Accountability Office. (Rep. DeLauro)

Farm Belt ransom: BlackMatter, a computer hacking group, demanded $5.9 million to return data stolen from NEW Cooperative, a grain marketer with 60 locations across Iowa. (Brownfield)

OTA names Kovalcik: The Organic Trade Association has hired Reana Kovalcik to be its director of public affairs. She will succeed Maggie McNeil, who will retire as media relations director on Sept. 30. (FERN’s Ag Insider)

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