Today’s quick hits, Sept. 17, 2024

Barn fires kill livestock: Nearly 1.5 million farm animals have died in barn fires so far this year and more than 8 million in the past decade. Fires are often started by malfunctioning heating and electrical systems, but producers say sprinkler systems are unaffordable. (Vox)

H5N1 in 207 herds: The H5N1 avian flu virus was confirmed in four additional dairy herds — two in Texas and one each in Idaho and California — bringing the U.S. total to 207 herds in 14 states since late March. (USDA)

Rapid corn, soy harvest: While in their early stages, the corn and soybean harvests are running ahead of normal; 9 percent of corn and 6 percent of the soybeans were in the bin at the start of this week, 3 percentage points ahead of the five-year average for each crop. (USDA)

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