Today’s quick hits, Sept. 15, 2021

Reconfigure farm subsidies: A UN report proposed the restructuring of $470 billion a year in farm supports worldwide to encourage sustainable farming and climate-smart practices. (Food and Agriculture Organization)

A hot and weedy future: With climate change, controlling weeds to ensure high corn yields will be more difficult than ever, especially during hot and dry weather in late summer, says research in the journal Global Change Biology. (University of Illinois)

Wildfires gain altitude: The warming climate is allowing wildfires to spread to higher elevations that previously were too damp to burn, exposing thousands of additional acres to fire risk. (Los Angeles Times)

Vilsack at G20 meeting: At this week’s G20 agriculture ministers meeting in Italy, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will call for joint action on climate, food security and agricultural innovation as well as closer integration through trade. (FERN’s Ag Insider)

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