Today’s quick hits, October 26, 2023

Farm bill vote this year: Newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson, a SNAP critic, said in a letter to colleagues that he aims for House passage of a farm bill in December, soon after a vote on the USDA-FDA funding bill. (Politico)

Colorado River cuts are enough: Conditions on the Colorado River have improved enough that the voluntary water cuts planned by California, Arizona, and Nevada will keep the river basin stable for the medium term, said federal officials. (Associated Press)

Climate change aids pests: Populations of three major pests plaguing California specialty crops — the codling moth, peach twig borer, and oriental fruit moth — will increase because of rising temperatures, adding to pressure on walnut, almond, and peach farmers. (University of California)

Global hunger rising: The United Nations goal of zero hunger by 2030 is increasingly out of reach because of climate change and warfare, said speakers at the World Food Prize Symposium. (DTN/Progressive Farmer)

Food inflation holds steady: For the second month in a row, the Food Price Outlook estimated grocery prices would rise 5.1 percent this year from 2022 prices. Pork would be the only food category with a price decline. (USDA)

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