Today’s quick hits, Oct. 28, 2019

Senate votes for more ag inspectors (FERN’s Ag Insider): The Senate passed by voice vote a bill, S. 2107, that would require the Customs and Border Protection agency to hire an additional 240 agricultural inspectors a year to work at ports of entry.

Roadkill, it’s what’s for dinner (New Food Economy): A new California law calls for state wildlife officials to designate three pilot regions where motorists and passersby will be allowed to “salvage” for food the wild animals that are struck and killed on roadways.

High risk of Missouri River flooding (DTN/Progressive Farmer): The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says the risk of spring flooding remains high throughout the Missouri River watershed, where farmland remains saturated from flooding this year.

World soybean supply shrinks (IGC): With a smaller U.S. crop in store, global soybean production will be 5 percent smaller in 2019/20 than in the previous year and carry-over stocks will fall by one-third, to the lowest level in six years.

Another year of low food inflation (USDA): As 2019 heads into its final months, food prices are forecast to rise 2 percent this year, the fifth year in a row of below-average increases in food prices.

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