Today’s quick hits, Oct 15, 2018

Dirty water (Environmental Integrity Project): In the last two years, 74 of the 98 largest U.S. meatpacking plants that discharge wastewater directly into streams and rivers exceeded their permitted amounts for nitrogen, fecal bacteria and other pollutants at least once.

Down in the Valley (Los Angeles Times): Facing his first serious challenge in years, California Rep. Devin Nunes, who stresses his agricultural heritage in a House district in the Central Valley, “is on the attack — not against his Democratic opponent but his district’s largest newspaper.”

Goodbye, antibiotics (Wired): Penicillin, the first major antibiotic, is 75 years old. “Yet if we don’t change how we find, finance and support them, antibiotics may not make it to their 100th birthday.”

Herbicides, antibiotics and resistant bacteria (University of Canterbury): Bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics far more rapidly — as much as 100,000 times faster — if they are exposed to two commonly used herbicides along with the antibiotics, than if they are exposed just to antibiotics.

Time-out for CAFOs (Tulsa World): The Oklahoma state Board of Agriculture announced a moratorium on processing applications to build new large-scale poultry farms amid concerns over water supplies, air quality and property values.

Utah backs smaller monuments (High Country News): Lawyers for the state of Utah told a U.S. district court that the state supports President Trump’s decision to reduce the size of Bears Ears National Monument by 85 percent and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument by 50 percent.

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