Today’s quick hits, Nov. 6, 2018

Bundy as election spoiler (Mother Jones): Ryan Bundy, son of anti-government rancher Cliven Bundy, is running for governor of Nevada as an independent and with 4 percent support in a recent poll, “could be this year’s biggest election spoiler in one of the nation’s closest gubernatorial races.”

Sesame as an allergen (Food Processing): The FDA is considering whether sesame should be listed on food labels as an allergen, a step that would require food processors to establish separate processing areas to prevent contamination of sesame-free products.

Food index declines for fifth month (FAO): Lower dairy, meat and vegetable oil prices combined to pull down the FAO’s Food Price Index for the fifth month; the market basket of food commodities is at its lowest reading since May.

Romaine lettuce testing ahead (Los Angeles Times): For the first time, the FDA will routinely test samples of romaine lettuce from the U.S. Southwest for disease-causing bacteria during the winter growing season in hopes of preventing an outbreak of food-borne illness.

Smallest cotton stockpile in China in seven years (ICAC): Thanks to robust demand, the global stockpile of cotton will shrink by nearly 9 percent this trade year and China will have its smallest inventory since 2011/12.

Trump says will look at Zinke allegations (The Hill): Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has done “a very good job,” President Trump told reporters, but he will take a look at allegations that Zinke violated ethics rules.

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