Today’s quick hits, Nov 29, 2023

‘Eat less meat’: At the climate conference COP28, the Food and Agriculture Organization will advise the world’s richest nations to eat less meat and encourage farmers in the developing world to improve livestock productivity and sustainability. (Bloomberg)

Little progress on nitrate: Minnesota has made negligible progress in reducing nitrate pollution in its groundwater, rivers and streams despite years of work and programs to encourage farmers to change their practices; nitrogen fertilizer is the main source of nitrate. (Minneapolis Star Tribune)

‘We’re not there yet’: Farm bill leaders in Congress have made considerable progress but “it has become clear we’re not there yet when it comes to the safety net,” said the Republican leader on the Senate Agriculture Committee, calling for “strong risk management tools.” (Arkansas Democrat Gazette)

Nebraska’s biggest land buyers: The nine largest buyers of farmland in Nebraska in the past time are corporate farming operations, real estate developers and investment firms, according to an analysis of sales data. (Flatwater Free Press)

Smallest dead zone yet: The dead zone in the Chesapeake Bay this summer was the smallest on record, “the lowest average hypoxic volume since monitoring began 39 years ago,” according to combined data from Maryland and Virginia. (Maryland Department of Natural Resources)

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