Today’s quick hits, Nov. 26, 2018

Hyde-Smith and the Confederacy (CNN): Mississippi Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith, who attended a segregational academy as a child, promoted a revisionist view of the Civil War as a state senator, says CNN’s KFile.

Soybeans pile up (International Grains Council): The world soybean inventory is forecast to grow 30 percent by the end of the 2018/19 trade year on “prospects of heavy accumulation in the United States” due to trade war with China, says the monthly Grain Market Report.

Pressure on beef prices (USDA): A large cattle supply will mean no more than marginal increases in beef prices this year and in 2019, helping to continue a streak of lower-than-normal food price inflation that began in 2015.

First federal charges for dicamba misuse (Harvest Public Media): A corn and soybean farmer in southeastern Missouri is the first in the nation to face federal charges alleging misuse of the weedkiller dicamba — 49 counts of misapplication of the herbicide and three counts of obstruction of justice for lying about it.

Romaine off the shelves in Canada (Glacier FarmMedia): Several major grocery chains in Canada are taking romaine lettuce off their shelves following reports of food-borne illnesses in three provinces; the action parallels an outbreak of food illness in the United State that officials say is likely linked to romaine lettuce.

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