Carbon pipeline application withdrawn: Wolf Carbon Solutions withdrew its application for the Illinois portion of its proposed carbon pipeline and said it would file an updated application in early 2024; last month, Navigator CO2 cancelled its Midwestern carbon pipeline. (Gas World)
$1.5 billion glyphosate award: A Missouri jury awarded $1.5 billion to three cancer victims who said they were not warned of the health risks of using a weedkiller containing glyphosate; it was the fourth loss at trial in a row for Bayer. (About Lawsuits)
Summer EBT takes root: Fourteen states and two tribal governments were the first to say they will implement Summer EBT in 2024; the new program provides grocery benefits of $40 a month per child to families with children eligible for free or reduced-price meals at school. (USDA)
‘Adapt or die’: With drought a frequent menace, farmers are looking at drought-hardy crops and researchers are working to make row crops such as corn more drought resistant through genetic engineering and selective breeding. (Ambrook)
Ukraine sows less grain: With fall planting nearly complete, Ukrainian farmers have sown 10 percent less land to winter wheat, winter barley, and winter rapeseed than a year ago, according to the Agriculture Ministry. (Reuters)