Today’s quick hits, Nov. 10, 2022

President says no to GMOs: With a trade dispute brewing, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said his government cannot buy yellow corn from the United States because it does not want genetically modified corn. (Reuters)

Railroad cooling-off period: U.S. freight railroads and the BMWED, a labor union, extended their cooling-off period to Dec. 4, averting a potential strike this month and allowing time for all unions to vote on a proposed contract. (Association of American Railroads)

Ecological collapse in UtahAt the Great Salt Lake, the population of brine flies has plunged, and “things aren’t looking good” for brine shrimp either. Both are a crucial food source every year for millions of migrating birds. (Salt Lake Tribune)

Iowans protest carbon pipelines: Shouting “Iowans, not investors,” “No eminent domain for private gain,” and “Our farms, not for sale,” several hundred people in Des Moines protested against carbon capture pipelines at an industry conference on Wednesday. (FERN’s Ag Insider)

Vilsack at climate conference: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will take part in eight events, from Friday through Monday, at COP27 to demonstrate the U.S. commitment to, and leadership on, climate-smart agriculture. (FERN’s Ag Insider)

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