Today’s quick hits, May 4, 2023

Printing fish: An Israeli food-tech company says it has 3D-printed the first ever ready-to-cook fish fillet using animal cells cultivated and grown in a laboratory. (Reuters)

AZ water crackdown: Arizona’s new attorney general is vowing to crack down on foreign-owned farms that lease land from the state with the benefit of unlimited water pumping. (CNN)

Biodiversity vs. climate change: The topic of biodiversity may sound just as amorphous as ESG, but it might be an easier subject to broach than climate change with U.S. investors who lean Republican. (Bloomberg Green)

Dutch nitrogen cuts: Dutch plans to drastically cut emissions of nitrogen pollution cleared a key hurdle when the European Union’s executive arm gave the green light to farm buyout schemes worth nearly 1.5 billion euros. (Associated Press)

McDonald’s child-labor woes: Three McDonald’s franchisees in Kentucky were fined by the Department of Labor for, among other violations, employing more than 300 children who worked longer hours than the law permits. One franchisee had two 10-year-olds working at its locations, without pay, as late as 2 a.m. (Washington Post)

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