Today’s quick hits, May 31, 2024

Iowa, Missouri free of drought: A rainy spring has washed drought out of Iowa, the No. 1 corn state, for the first time since June 2020 and out of Missouri for the first time since June 2022. (NOAA)

Tough to get SAF credits: The eligibility standard for sustainable aviation fuel tax credits is so strict — the use of three climate-friendly farming practices — that little or no ethanol would qualify, said farm and biofuel groups. (Reuters)

Food waste collaboration: The USDA, FDA, EPA, and USAID agreed to collaborate to reduce food loss and waste domestically and overseas through consumer education, technical assistance, and public-private partnerships. (USDA)

Lobstermen turn to oysters: As lobsters move north because of climate change, the lobstermen of Maine are switching to oysters, and oyster cages are increasingly found where lobster buoys were common a few years ago. (Ambrook Research)

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