Today’s quick hits, May 30, 2024

Prices and rural shoppers: Price is the most important issue for U.S. grocery shoppers overall, though more rural shoppers (44 percent) than urban shoppers (31 percent) consider it the top factor. (Purdue Center for Food Demand Analysis)

Judge denies cow-calf bid: A federal judge in Minnesota ruled that a handful of cow-calf operators from four states will not be added as plaintiffs in a lawsuit against meatpackers because they produce feeder calves, not the slaughter cattle at issue in the case. (DTN/Progressive Farmer)

Wetlands funding: The USDA will accept applications through Aug. 16 for a share of $50 million in funding for Wetland Reserve Enhancement Partnership projects to protect, restore, and improve high-priority wetlands on agricultural land. (Natural Resources Conservation Service)

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