Celebrating women farmers: The UN General Assembly, looking to increase awareness of the role women play in food production, adopted a resolution declaring 2026 the International Year of the Woman Farmer. (FAO)
Vilsack on the Mississippi: On Friday, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and other officials will discuss U.S. exports at Mississippi River Lock and Dam 25, 50 miles northwest of St. Louis, where a 1,200-foot lock is being built. (USDA)
Ag water rule: A rule issued by the FDA will require produce farms to conduct annual assessments of their pre-harvest water supply and take action when needed to protect water quality. (FDA)
Rural death rate is higher: Rural Americans are more likely than urbanites to die early of one of the five leading causes of preventable death — heart disease, cancer, unintentional injuries, stroke, and chronic lower respiratory disease — said the CDC. (ABC News)