Today’s quick hits, May 27, 2020

More meat plants in operation (USDA): Livestock slaughter plants ran at 91 percent of capacity last week, compared to 84 percent in the previous week, said the USDA.

Hard times for hemp (Politico): The bloom of interest in industrial hemp, legalized by the 2018 farm bill, “has quickly turned into a bust” with an oversupply of hemp and no ruling by the FDA over the safety of hemp products.

Stop the waivers (RFA): The pro-ethanol trade group Renewable Fuels Association asked the EPA to deny petitions submitted by oil refiners that ask for waivers that would exempt them from the RFS in past years, arguing the waivers would be illegal.

Charity is not enough (The Hill): Food banks alone cannot resolve hunger in America, so Congress should increase food stamps temporarily by 15 percent, argued Northwestern University professor Diane Schzenbach.

Boom for small beef processors (Business Insider): Consumers and cattle producers are turning to small processors as the link for sales amid slowdowns in slaughter by the major meatpackers.

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