Today’s quick hits, May 24, 2024

Bird flu in 58 herds: The H5N1 bird flu virus has been confirmed in six additional dairy herds, raising the U.S. total to 58 infected herds. Michigan has the most, 19, an increase of four. (USDA)

Funding for domestic fertilizer: The USDA announced $83 million for projects in 12 states to expand U.S. fertilizer production, ranging from a liquid fertilizer plant in Florida to a facility in California that would convert food waste to fertilizer. (USDA)

Drought persists in Kansas: While conditions are improving in the Midwest, Kansas, the No. 1 winter wheat producer, is locked in drought, with 48 percent of the state in moderate to extreme drought. (Drought Monitor)

Gene-edited wheat in Canada: The Canadian agriculture ministry, looking to develop spring wheat varieties that more efficiently respond to sunlight, is growing its first plots of gene-edited wheat at a research center in Alberta. (Western Producer)

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