Today’s quick hits, May 13, 2021

Food inflation slows: Food prices are 2.4 percent higher than a year ago, said the Labor Department in its monthly CPI report. A month ago, the annual food inflation rate was 3.5 percent. (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Cattle fraud: A federal grand jury in Denver indicted an Illinois woman and a Georgia man on charges of running a Ponzi scheme that raised $650 million from people who believed their money was going into short-term investments in cattle. (Department of Justice)

Mississippi shutdown: The Coast Guard closed the Mississippi River near the I-40 bridge at Memphis, halting barge traffic, following the discovery of a fracture in a beam that supports the bridge. (Reuters)

Fuel deliveries resume: Colonial Pipeline restarted pipeline operations on Wednesday afternoon but warned of “intermittent service interruptions” and said it would take several days for fuel deliveries to return to normal. (Colonial)

Name change: Memphis Meats, a producer of cell-cultured meat, poultry, and seafood, changed its name to Upside Foods to show “our passion and potential to make our favorite foods healthier for the planet.” (Meat + Poultry)

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