Today’s quick hits, March 5, 2021

Free costs less: Large and medium-sized schools have lower costs per meal than smaller schools, particularly for breakfast, when meals are available for free to all students, due to economies of scale and lower administrative costs, say three researchers. (Rudd Center)

Big yet small: Although U.S. farm exports to China are forecast to set a record this fiscal year, sales of U.S. food, agriculture, and seafood products during January totaled $3.9 billion, or 82 percent of the monthly volume needed to meet the 2021 targets set by the “phase one” trade agreement. (Peterson Institute of International Economics)

Bishop joins ag panel: Georgia Rep Sanford Bishop, who chairs the House Appropriations subcommittee that oversees USDA spending, also will serve on the House Agriculture Committee, said Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who also re-appointed Arizona Rep Ann Kirkpatrick to the committee after a two-year absence. (Pelosi)

Meatpacker lawsuit nixed: U.S. district judge John Gerrard dismissed a lawsuit accusing a Nebraska meatpacker of failing to protect workers from the coronavirus because the three plaintiffs quit work at the plant and no longer have standing to challenge conditions at the Noah’s Ark plant. (Law360)

NAWG re-elects Milligan: The board of the National Association of Wheat Growers re-elected its team of officers for 2021, with Michigan farmer Dave Milligan staying on as president and Nicole Berg, from Washington State, continuing as vice president. (NAWG)

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