Today’s quick hits, March 30, 2018

EPA talking points on climate change: Nothing definite (Huffington Post): An EPA press officer has given employees eight “talking points” that promote a message of uncertainty about climate change, according to a leaked memo.

Walmart’s D.C. payout (Washington Post): Walmart will pay Washington $1.3 million after the company reneged on its promise to build a store in one of the city’s poorest neighborhoods. The planned store was, in part, meant to address food insecurity in the area.

‘Legacy’ nitrogen a Gulf of Mexico bane (ABC News): There’s an unexpected challenge in cleaning up the “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico: “legacy” nitrogen that has accumulated underground and in groundwater over the years.

Farmers take to TV to reach Trump (Farmers for Free Trade): With China threatening countermeasures against U.S. farm exports, a farm coalition bought airtime on cable TV to warn President Trump of the damage the retaliation would cause.

Law and the farm bill (Farm Bill Law Enterprise): A collection of law schools and legal clinics released four reports that look at food access, transparency, risk management, and other issues to be addressed in the coming farm bill.

At the Four Corners, an 18-year drought (KUNC): The Four Corners region, where Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah meet in the high desert, has been in drought since the start of the century.

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