Today’s quick hits, March 21, 2023

Block WOTUS in two states: A U.S. court judge issued a preliminary injunction against implementation of the Biden administration’s “waters of the United States” rule in Texas and Idaho but did not block the clean water regulation from taking effect in the rest of the nation. (Bloomberg)

National Ag Day proclamation: President Biden signed a proclamation celebrating National Ag Day on Tuesday and honoring “all the farmers, farmworkers, ranchers, fishers, foresters, and other agricultural workers who do so much to make our nation strong, fuel our economy, and steward our lands.” (White House)

Free meals in four states: Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signed into law a bill to provide free meals to students at participating schools; California, Colorado and Maine also have free-meal laws. (MPR News)

Nebraska land values skyrocket: The market value of agricultural land in Nebraska is up by 14 percent from last year, to an average of $3,835 an acre on Feb. 1 — the second-largest increase in a decade. (University of Nebraska)

Global fertilizer use plateaus: After rising for decades, global fertilizer use has been flat for five years as farmers make more efficient use of fertilizer while maintaining or increasing crop output. (Sustainability by numbers)

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