Today’s quick hits, March 17, 2021

‘Science is back’: Michael Regan, the newly confirmed EPA administrator, uses a short phrase, “Science is back,” to signal his plans for the agency, which include helping the nation shift to cleaner forms of energy and improve air and water quality. (Washington Post)

Microplastics in water: The California Water Resources Board plans to issue a preliminary threshold for microplastics in drinking water by July 1, which would make the state the first jurisdiction in the world to tackle the potential threat of ingesting the tiny plastic fragments. (CalMatters)

Meatless day? No way: Upset by a nonbinding Colorado proclamation encouraging people to avoid eating meat one day a week, Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts, joined by farm, meat processing, and restaurant leaders, declared that Saturday will be “Meat on the Menu Day” in his state. (Guardian)

4-H Council will sell center: In a Covid-driven decision, the group said it would sell the National 4-H Conference Center, a nonprofit hotel and conference facility located on 12 acres in a Washington suburb, and use the proceeds to support its youth empowerment programs. (National 4-H Council)


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