Today’s quick hits, March 16, 2022

Trevino nixed at USTR: The White House will withdraw its nomination of California agriculture executive Elaine Trevino for chief agricultural negotiator at the U.S. Trade Representative’s office and may place her at USDA instead, said an unnamed administration official. (Politico)

Russia bombs ag targets: The Ukrainian government is offering loan guarantees of up to $1.5 million so farmers can plant spring crops at the same time intelligence officials say the Russian military has bombed warehouses of agricultural equipment. (Successful Farming)

Iowa ag-gag law overturned: Iowa violated the free-speech guarantee of the Constitution by enacting a law that criminalized deceptive access by animal rights activists to factory farms, ruled U.S. District Judge Stephanie Rose. (Iowa Capital Dispatch)

‘Local’ tastes better: In taste tests, consumers gave the highest ratings to hamburgers that were described as “locally sourced,” although all the patties in the test came from the same batch, said Kansas State University researchers. (DTN/Progressive Farmer)

Harris to talk broadband: In a trip that was postponed due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Vice President Kamala Harris will visit Sunset, Louisiana, a small town 60 miles west of Baton Rouge, on Friday to discuss federal funding for high-speed internet. (FERN’s Ag Insider)

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