Today’s quick hits, March 10, 2022

Minneapolis food fraud: In court documents, the FBI said it had discovered a “massive fraud scheme” that cheated the government out of tens of millions of dollars in pandemic relief money intended to provide meals for thousands of children. (New York Times)

Equity grant: The CHS Foundation gave a $1 million grant to the National 4-H Council to train 100 adults and youths to serve as equity leaders in their communities and to launch a program to support 4-H members “in sharing their stories and passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion.” (4-H Council)

Unleash U.S. biofuels: In the name of replacing imported Russian oil with American biofuels, a group of midwestern senators filed a bill to make E15 available year-round, create tax credits that reward the sale of higher blends of ethanol in gasoline, extend credits for biodiesel and renewable diesel, and authorize USDA grants to install tanks and pumps to handle higher ethanol blends. (Senator Ernst)

AFBF’s Moore retires: Farm policy veteran Dale Moore will retire later this year as executive vice president of the American Farm Bureau Federation after a Washington career that included working as chief of staff for three agriculture secretaries. (AFBF)

Vilsack to talk exports: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is scheduled to visit an export elevator on the Mississippi River in New Orleans to discuss record-high U.S. farm exports and administration efforts to relieve port congestion. (FERN’s Ag Insider)

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