Today’s quick hits, June 17, 2022

U.S.-Ukraine ag pact: The United States and Ukraine agreed to a three-year partnership to rebuild and strengthen the agriculture and food sectors in Ukraine, said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. (USDA)

Floods close formula plant: Just days after Abbott reopened its infant formula plant in Sturgis, Michigan, torrential rains caused flooding at the plant and forced it off-line, probably “for a few weeks.” (Abbott)

Higher temperatures, fewer tomatoes: Yields of processing tomatoes, used to make ketchup, juice, and other packaged tomato products, will decline by 6 percent in major growing areas, including California, by 2050 due to climate change, said scientists. (Modern Farmer)

Heat wave kills cattle: An estimated 10,000 head of beef cattle died of heat stress in Kansas feedlots this week from a combination of high temperatures and high humidity. (DTN/Progressive Farmer)

Wisconsin gets Clif gift: Clif Bar & Co., which describes itself as the largest private funder of U.S. organic agriculture research, said it would give a $1 million endowment to the University of Wisconsin for organic research and outreach programs. (Businesswire)

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