Today’s quick hits, June 14, 2024

Lawsuit challenges tailpipe rule: The oil industry, two farm groups, and six auto dealers filed suit in a U.S. appeals court against the EPA’s so-called tailpipe rule, claiming it is biased against electric vehicles and discourages the sale of new cars and pickup trucks fueled by gasoline and ethanol. (API)

Supreme Court backs Starbucks: In a 9-0 decision that limits the authority of lower courts and the National Labor Relations Board, the Supreme Court ruled that Starbucks did not have to rehire seven workers who were fired after trying to organize a labor union. (Los Angeles Times)

Good yields in Kansas: With the winter wheat harvest in its early days, growers in central Kansas were reporting yields of 40 to 70 bushels per acre, a marked improvement from last year’s drought-hit crop. (Kansas Wheat Commission)

Vilsack and farm labor: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack was set to announce steps to address agriculture labor shortages, farmworker protections, and legal pathways for labor migration on Friday during a trip to Colorado. (USDA)

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