Today’s quick hits, June 12, 2024

Got oat milk?: Oat milk is a standout among beverages with U.S. sales that are soaring, increasing demand for oats by 10-15 percent, and straining supplies: the United States imports twice as many oats as it grows. (Ambrook Research)

H5N1 in 93 herds: With the discovery of the H5N1 avian flu virus in three additional dairy herds in Idaho and two more in Minnesota, bird flu has infected at least 93 herds in 12 states, including 24 herds in Michigan and 23 herds in Idaho. (USDA)

Socially disadvantaged injunction: A U.S. district judge in Texas issued an injunction against USDA consideration of whether farmers are members of socially disadvantaged groups when providing assistance to producers. (Washington Post)

Chiquita liable for paramilitary funding: Federal jurors in Florida held Chiquita Brands, one of the world’s largest banana producers, liable for financing a paramilitary group in Colombia and was ordered to pay $38.3 million to the families of eight of its victims. (CNN)

Once high, marijuana crashes: Colorado led the nation in legalizing sales of marijuana, but regulatory burdens, competition from other states, and oversupply of marijuana have harshed the vibe of the formerly prosperous industry. (Politico)

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