Today’s quick hits, July 24, 2018

U.S. meat freezers are nearly full (Wall Street Journal): Record production of hogs and chicken, in addition to export-slowing tariffs, means the U.S.’s beef, pork, and poultry stockpiles have reached over 2.5 billion pounds, nearing their highest levels ever.

Mountaire gets another lawsuit (The Milford Beacon): Ninety-nine residents of Millsboro, Delaware, have filed suit against Mountaire Farms, one of the nation’s largest poultry companies. Their suit, the second in less than a month against the company, allege that poor nitrate management is polluting their water.

More guest workers (AFBF): To fill vacant jobs, farmers are turning to the seasonal H-2A guest worker program for more and more workers, according to Labor Department data. Some 81,418 positions were certified in the third quarter of this fiscal year, compared to 63,072 positions one year earlier.

Verdict near on gene editing (Reuters): The European Court of Justice is scheduled to rule on Wednesday on whether gene editing, such as CRISPR, is covered by the same rules that apply to genetic modification of organisms.

How many wild animals die? (Anthropocene): Sometimes intentionally, sometimes not, agricultural production results, even in grain production, in the death of wild animals; it is surprisingly difficult to find a precise number. The question matters to people who want a diet that minimizes animal suffering.

Summers get hotter (InsideClimate News): As global temperatures rise, summers are heating faster than other seasons, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, including its crop-growing regions.

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