Today’s quick hits, July 13, 2020

Physical distancing in Michigan meat plants: Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed an executive order that requires meatpackers to implement safety measures for workers at meat- and poultry-processing plants, including use of face masks and keeping workers six feet apart if possible. (Mlive)

Shrinking U.S. share of corn and soy: The United States accounts for one-third of world corn and soybean production, down from its long-dominant position as the largest grower and exporter of both crops. (Farmdoc Daily)

To slow wildfire, U.S. tries more grazing: The Interior Department proposed “targeted grazing” on 24 million acres of rangeland in hopes the livestock will create natural fuel breaks to slow rampaging wildfires, but ecologists say more highly flammable and invasive cheatgrass will be the long-term result. (The Counter)

FAO creates core leadership team: The 49-nation FAO Council approved a modernization plan for the UN agency to make it more flexible and efficient, including creation of a core leadership team of six officers working directly under Director-General Qu Dongyu. (FAO)

Chitnis is acting NIFA director: Parag Chitnis, the associate director for programs, will serve as acting director of USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture following the departure of Scott Angle. (USDA)

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