Today’s quick hits, Jan. 28, 2021

Covid’s deadliest jobs: Cooks, farmworkers, bakers and other essential food workers face the greatest risk of dying from Covid-19, according to researchers at UC-San Francisco. (The Counter)

Global hunger risk: The pandemic has pushed 270 million people around the world to the edge of starvation, and without intervention by rich nations, “you will have mass famine, destabilization of nations, and … mass migration,” said the head of the World Food Program. (Reuters)

Deep cultural divide: In strongly Republican Kansas, few observers believe President Biden’s proposals to help farmers and rural Americans will make Kansans friendlier to the Democratic party. (Kansas Leadership Council Journal)

Green Plains sells ethanol plant: As part of a move to focus on protein production, Green Plains said it had sold a 65 million-gallon-a-year ethanol plant in Ord, Nebraska, for $64 million and working capital. (DTN/Progressive Farmer)

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