Today’s quick hits, Feb. 14, 2023

McCarthy at listening session: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, whose district includes part of Tulare County, will attend a farm bill listening session on Tuesday at the World Ag Expo in Tulare, California. (House Agriculture)

Pipeline backers try to buy support: Navigator CO2 Ventures offered up to $630,000 a year to win support for its 1,300-mile carbon pipeline from McDonough County, one of four Illinois counties with moratoriums on such projects. (Inside Climate News)

Maple syrup feels the heat: Climate change is bringing warmer winters to the U.S. Northeast and eastern Canada, the home territory for maple syrup production, with the prospect of regional winners and losers in the $1.5 billion industry. (Bloomberg)

‘We’re still struggling’: Black farmers were the first to sue the USDA for racial discrimination in its operations; more than a generation later, they argue they are still left far behind. (NPR)

China bans face questions: State and federal lawmakers are considering laws to restrict or fully ban Chinese investment, including purchase of farmland, but the proposals’ practicality — and constitutionality — is fraught. (Newsweek)

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