Today’s quick hits, Feb. 13, 2019

Prices rise at Whole Foods (Wall Street Journal): After its purchase of Whole Foods, Amazon publicized that prices went down at the luxury grocery chain. But now, the chain is raising prices across hundred of products.

TPP gives Canada beef a boost in Japan (Financial Times): Japanese imports of Canadian beef have surged since the trade deal among 11 Pacific Rim nations took effect, suggesting U.S. beef will is at a disadvantage because the United States dropped out of the original TPP deal.

Lettuce, a climate-change victim? (Wired): Extreme weather events, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change, are making lettuce “vulnerable to contamination in a way they never have been before.”

Behind the scenes of child nutrition (The Lunch Tray): Two consumer activists say the 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act that mandated healthy foods in school meals illustrates how coalitions can carry legislation to victory, but they point out that victories are always vulnerable to attack.

Killing birds to save fish (NPR): Wildlife officials in the Pacific Northwest are considering “lethal control” and nonlethal harassment of gulls to protect imperiled salmon along a stretch of the Columbia River in Oregon.

California’s ‘twin tunnels’ downsized to one (Sacramento Bee): Rather than the twin tunnels proposed to carry water 40 miles underneath the San Joaquin-Sacramento River delta  to growers and cities in Southern California, Gov. Gavin Newsom said he would support a less-costly single tunnel.

Restore 136,000 acres of habitat (Audubon): The National Audubon Society recommended $1.7 billion in work to restore 136,000 of wildlife habitat along the Gulf Coast from damage caused by hurricanes, oil spills and other disasters.

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