Today’s quick hits, Dec. 3, 2021

Rural infrastructure announcement: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is scheduled to announce funding for climate-smart and resilient rural infrastructure on Friday and to visit a Pennsylvania grocery store that plans a solar power project. (FERN’s Ag Insider)

Highest prices in a decade: The Food Price Index, based on international prices of cereal grains, sugar, vegetable oil, meats and dairy products, rose by 1.2 percent in October and is the highest it’s been since June 2011. (Food and Agriculture Organization)

Ag bankrolls ag school: With money tight for state universities, ag schools are increasingly turning to private donors and agribusinesses to pay for costly research facilities, running the risk, critics say, of corrupting science. (The Counter)

‘F’ is for tuna: Sixteen supermarket chains flunked a Greenpeace USA assessment of their tuna supplier policies; the survey included human rights records for the first time. (Greenpeace USA)

Milk price hearings: Three U.S. senators from the Northeast filed a bill that would require the USDA to call public hearings on a proposal to change how the price of fresh milk is calculated under the federal Milk Marketing Order system. (Gillibrand)

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