Today’s quick hits, Dec. 23, 2019

Biggest increase in a decade (USDA): The price of food at restaurants, institutions and fast-food outlets will rise 3 percent this year, the largest increase since 3.5 percent in 2009, said the monthly Food Price Outlook, raising its forecast for “food away from home” for the first time this year.

U.S. backs Bayer in glyphosate appeal (Reuters): The U.S. government asked a federal appeals court to overturn a $25-million award to a cancer victim, arguing that the weedkiller glyphosate is not a carcinogen so it was unfair to expect the manufacturer to put a warning on the label.

Legislator helped plan Malheur takeover (Seattle Times): Washington State Rep. Matt Shea, “a leader in the Patriot Movement” of conservative groups, aided “in the planning and preparation” of the armed takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oregon and also gathered intelligence about how police would respond, according to an investigation commissioned by the House of Representatives.

Export taxes to squeeze Argentine planting (AgriCensus): Argentine growers are likely to reduce plantings 1.5 percent, or 520,000 hectares, in response to the increase in export taxes on corn, wheat, soybeans, sorghum and other crops, said a study by the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange.

The nursing home 50 miles from home (Washington Post): More than 260 rural nursing homes have closed in the past three years, making care harder to find.

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