Today’s quick hits, Dec. 21, 2021

Prop 12 worries: California should delay enforcement of the Proposition 12 animal welfare law for at least 28 months because “no one can adequately prepare to comply with a law with criminal sanctions and that authorizes civil litigation” until the final rules are issued, said the meat industry. (NAMI)

Rural vaccinations slow: About 172,000 rural Americans complete the Covid-19 regimen each week and 46.8 percent of the rural population is fully vaccinated, compared to 59.5 percent of urban residents. (Daily Yonder)

Octopus farming nears: The Spanish company Nueva Pescanova says it will open an octopus farm in the Canary Islands in summer 2022 with plans to sell 3,000 tonnes a year of octopus beginning in 2023. (BBC)

California’s marijuana cartels: Taking advantage of America’s acceptance of legalized cannabis, Mexican drug cartels are illegally growing large crops of marijuana in northern California, where they undercut legitimate growers and poison wildlife. (USA Today)

More hunger in Asia: More than 375 million people in Asia and the Pacific faced hunger in 2020, an increase of 54 million in one year, according to a report by two UN agencies. (FAO)

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