Today’s quick hits, Dec. 2, 2024

California suspends Raw Farm: State agriculture officials barred Raw Farm, based in Fresno, from distributing its unpasteurized dairy products because of tests indicating dairy cattle on the farm were infected by the H5N1 avian flu virus. (Los Angeles Times)

Gray leads Duarte: After trailing for days, former state legislator Adam Gray took a 190-vote lead over Rep. John Duarte, a House Agriculture Committee member, with 99 percent of the vote counted in a House district in California’s Central Valley. (Associated Press)

Cuts hit rural colleges: With college enrollment down 10 percent nationwide in a decade, private and public colleges serving rural areas are eliminating large numbers of programs and majors; 13 million people live in higher education “deserts.” (Hechinger Report and Open Campus)

Second term for WTO chief: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the first woman and first African to serve as director-general of the World Trade Organization, was re-appointed by consensus to a second term by the WTO general council. (WTO)

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