Today’s quick hits, Dec. 2, 2021

Dicamba review: An EPA official said the agency is considering changes to its rules on the application of dicamba to balance complaints about crop damage from the herbicide with agriculture’s need for a “useful tool” against weeds. (Brownfield)

Brown joins Agriculture: House Democrats chose newly elected Ohio Rep. Shontel Brown, the successor to Housing Secretary Marcia Fudge, to serve on the House Agriculture and Oversight committees. (Brown)

Warning on methane: With less than a fifth of the world’s biggest livestock producers measuring methane emissions, there is “the growing sense in the market that cows are the new coal,” said an investor group whose members manage more than $45 trillion in assets. (Reuters)

Boozman promotes Keys: Chelsie Keys, a Senate Agriculture Committee staff member since 2015, was named policy director for the Republican senators on the committee by its senior Republican, Sen. John Boozman. (Senate Ag)

FDA lab rule: On Friday, as part of implementing the Food Safety Modernization Act, the FDA is scheduled to publish its Laboratory Accreditation for Analyses of Foods rule, which sets standards for labs that test food products for pathogens and other contaminants. (Federal Register)

New NPPC chief: Bryan Humphries, senior vice president of the National Pork Board, will begin work as chief executive of the National Pork Producers Council on Dec. 21, the group said. (NPPC)

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